Thursday, 12 October 2017

Season Round-up

'Podium Perfection' according to the local newspaper!

Another racing year done and dusted; it's been brilliant but I'm glad of the opportunity to take a break and reflect. In the early part of the year I couldn't get my immune system to the point where I was going more than two weeks without having a cold or some sort of virus to string any training together. The combination of this, along with a stressful house-move right before Christmas, culminated in me throwing my toys out of the pram and saying 'that's it, I'm going to sell the bikes...' A statement that I've been reminded of several times throughout the year!! Clearly my love for the process was greater than the short period of adversity I was experiencing at the time. I really am a believer that setbacks make you stronger and in this case they certainly did. I found myself appreciating when training started to go well and didn't take hitting the power numbers or a weekly mileage goal for granted. The smaller, more incidental parts of training suddenly had a greater focus. I put the end goal to one side and focussed on nailing the training (the process that was going to get me there) - clearly this is something that I should have been doing all along!

Express & Star article, October 2017

Despite being full of cold and feeling under the weather, The Tour of Ayrshire marked a turning point for me. It was my first win in a UCI qualifying event which got the season off to a fantastic start. However, for me, I had executed my race plan to the letter (control the power for the first half, knowing I was feeling unwell and then try to ramp up the second half) and kept the belief that I could actually do this. Not once did my mind wander - for those of you who know me well, I can be easily distracted, especially in a Time Trial when the going gets tough!

UCI World Amateur Championships silver - proudest moment of the year
The Di2 battery played it's little part in ensuring that my ability to deal with adversity hadn't switched off. Not content with spontaneously discharging (on more than one occasion), we then had the 'make a bid for freedom' and leap clearly off the frame incident! If I get the choice I'd rather not repeat the episode of getting off and running up the hill that is too steep to grind up when the only gear that I have is my biggest. However, all of these 'moments' have enabled me to prove to myself that digging in when I absolutely need to isn't a problem. Of course they were all frustrating, especially when you can see what you know started out as a great ride slowly starting to fall apart with every pedal stroke. However, you appreciate the next race or training ride when you do have a full range of gears all the more.

Fifteen races later and I managed to land a podium position in all of them (seven wins, four seconds and four thirds). Contrary to popular belief this wasn't because I targeted races where I thought I would do well, rather I selected a variety of courses that would be good preparation for the UCI Worlds. Fifteen races is far fewer than I did last year, again this was to enable me to keep putting in big blocks of training rather than get caught in the perpetual cycle of tapering and racing because 'every race is important'. Ultimately I saw my fitness tumble last year as I raced more and more. This isn't such an issue in road racing where the distances are longer, or perhaps in Time trialling where you're riding a variety of distances - as long as you can recover from those race efforts.

Thanks to for capturing some great memories
Key results from this year:

Silver AG medal: World Amateur TT Championships, France
2017 Women's National TT Champion, TLI Cycling
Series Title: DB Max/Kinetic One Castle Combe Closed Circuit Champs (CR in events 2,3&5)
Win: Tour of Ayrshire Chrono, UCI GF Series Qualifier 2017
2nd: Tour of Cambridgeshire Chrono, UCI GF Series Qualifier 2017
2nd: Chrono Tre Valli Varesine (Italy), UCI GF Series Qualifier 2018
Win: Midland Women's TT Series (4 events)
Win: Charlie Grieg Memorial 10TT

Whilst I might pedal the bike, some days better than others, the support network I am lucky enough to have around me is nothing short of fabulous. Swinnerton Cycles, Revolver Wheels, Pro Vision Clothing, TORQ Fitness, NoPinz, and not forgetting the sponsors that have supported the race team this year - BlackMamba Gloves, GJC Furniture & Tanita Europe. Paul of Empowered Performance has done a stirling job with my coaching and managed to achieve almost the perfect race preparation for me - not an easy task!  It has all come together to provide a great platform to build on for 2018 and beyond.

I'm really grateful to everyone for their support, patience and interest - let's get the 2018 show ready for the road!

Monday, 2 October 2017


... Responsibilities and key indicators

Given it's nearing the end of the road season for many, it seems a reasonable time to consider reflecting back on the season in general terms.

Did you achieve the goals that you set out at the beginning of the year? How did training and racing pan out for you? Perhaps you exceeded your own expectations or just coped really well when faced with adversity. Either way, there is undoubtedly plenty to reflect on with lessons that can be learned for next year and successes carried forward as solid foundations to build on.

A recent article written about triathlon made me think of cycling similarities and no doubt there are cross-overs to others sports as well. It discussed Appearance vs. Performance and the fact that many triathletes would appear to be more focussed on their appearance than their performance and in so doing are obsessed with their body and their weight and therefore with nutrition. You might say that many sportspeople fit into this category; many of us are obsessed about something!

A useful fact to remember!
This article and a recent Power feature in Cycling Monthly raises the pertinent topic of Performance and Performance Goals; just what is our focus and how easily do we get carried away?! The ultimate question might therefore be are we being as efficient as we can be with what we have available?

That same article in Cycling Monthly had some staggering statistics in terms of power meters. Bryan Taylor, president of Power Meter brand Verve Cycling, had shared some data that he had collated from those taking part in the Haute Route (marketed as one of the toughest cyclo-sportives in the world).

  • Less than 50% of those riding were coached
  • However, more than 50% of the riders had a power meter
  • Less than half of those with a power meter had done an FTP test and some didn't know what FTP was

Perhaps of most surprise was the revelation that some hadn't done anything with the data generated from their power meter - it was merely used as a 'live feed', they had never uploaded it to study in more detail. Although power meters are becoming far more affordable, they are still an expensive accessory for the sole use of glancing at an occasional live number.

If riding with power helps to pace a ride in real time then you might say that there is nothing wrong with that... However, arguably to understand using power for pacing, this would be best preceded by an FTP test and at least some data tracking. There is far more to riding with power than just fixing a power meter to your bike! Perhaps this is one of the biggest areas where performance gains can be made - really understanding your power numbers and what they mean. Whether you are coached or self-coached there is individual responsibility to delve into those numbers and read around the subject.

Bryan makes a very valid point that "averages are not good enough for anything in life and certainly not for measuring your power".

In time trialling it is probably the opposite; it can be very easy to get hung up on the power numbers and data analysis and we often need to remind ourselves that it's good to ride on feel sometimes. It's important to have some balance amongst all the numbers and structure and schedule some sessions where the main objective isn't to be fixated on the power numbers displaying on your handlebars!

If you have made the investment in the technology, whether that is power, a training package etc. then don't forget that it will only ever be as a good as it's operator/user. You need to know why you are using it, what you are looking for and how to integrate this into your training programme. Otherwise employing the services of a good, understanding coach who is prepared to help you get to grips with the basics is essential.

Measure, Don't Guess
The concept of performance goals and ultimately performance is often driven by spending money. People will part with lots of hard earned cash to shave a few grams off their bike, or buy yet another wheel or wheel combination because it's faster than what they already have. Often with some application and determination far greater rewards can be reaped by honing in on the basics - sleep, appropriate fuel for the training you're doing, good hydration and intelligent training.

By intelligent training I mean not blindly following a programme because you've paid for it but listening to your body, looking at your data and mapping progress or lack of against both your wider goals and what you are doing to get there. Question yourself or your coach if things aren't going as you had envisaged, don't be an idle passenger in the journey towards your own goals. We spend far more time in the process than what we are working towards, if the process isn't right (or enjoyable), then it is unlikely that the outcome will be either.

So, are you firmly in the driving seat? Pen and paper, iPad or any other device at the ready to capture your thoughts and reflections? Great! Perhaps make some notes, in two columns:

  • Things that went well
  • Things that didn't go so well

You may then find you can further subdivide this list:

  • Things that I can solve
  • Things that I need some assistance with

Or even:

  • Performance I can purchase with money
  • Performance that I need to create from within myself

You can probably attach some learning points to these or reinforce what clearly worked for you for future use.

What can YOU improve upon and what do you WANT or NEED help with? These might be subtly different in that you might WANT to improve upon your position but should this be a priority and in order to ride a more aerodynamic position, do you NEED better flexibility or core strength first? You may be better served by spending time on your body rather than money on equipment. It is very easy to get carried away with all the bells and whistles!

Would you be better working on the basics, such as quality structured training to improve your power and eating the right foods to reduce your weight before starting to look for those marginal gains. A good analogy is baking a cake. Do you really need to worry about the icing on the top if you don't have any eggs in the mixing bowl?

Map these areas for improvement against your next season goals and you should be on the way to working out what is realistic... Look to nail the basics in world class fashion!

It's time... to face the demons After a bit of a hiatus in having anything much to write (that might be of vague interest to anyone), ou...